Irrigation Management \ Water Conservation

BMC is a strong proponent of efficient irrigation as a mean of reducing grounds maintenance cost and minimizing the depletion of one of the earth’s most vital resources.

Benefits of Migrating to a More Efficient Irrigation System:

Saves Money

Water costs continue to climb, so reducing water consumption reduces your costs.

Improves Landscape Health

Overwatering can lead to weeds, pests and disease.

Protects Property

Eliminating overspray protects lences, patios, asphalt and more against erosion, rot and other forms of water damage.

Migrating is Simple with These Easy Steps

  1. Irrigation Audit. The first step in the process is the irrigation audit which is an in depth evaluation of the irrigation system. Conducting an irrigation audit involves calculating water use and identifying ways to reduce landscape water usage. You may qualify for free water audits or water audit rebates depending on who is your water service provider. All third party water audits are conducted by AquaSave®Irrigation Experts.
  2. Proposal. We will provide you a proposal which will consider those solutions which will give you the biggest bang for the buck. Most solutions will include the use of Weather-Based Smart Controllers and replacing some or all of your sprinkler heads with MP rotator sprinklers and/or drip irrigation. Other solutions may include moving sprinkler heads to improve performance, reroute irrigation to create hydrozones so that plants with common watering requirements are grouped together and/or selecting low water use plants. The proposal will be based on your budget and which solutions will provide you the most significant return on your investment.
  3. System Retrofit Installation. After the proposal is selected, BMC will perform the irrigation retrofit, establish schedules and program the Smart Controllers. Using sensors and/or weather information, these controllers adjust your irrigation system automatically in response to rain, wind or temperature changes.
  4. Performance Program. The key to any successful water management program is the ongoing monitor of performance and feedback loop which includes:
    • Monitor your Site. A BMC Irrigation Specialist will continually monitor, perform site inspections and tune-up the systems as required.
    • Regular maintenance of irrigation system. It is important to regularly inspect your irrigation system and repair leaks and/or other problems.
    • Monthly Landscape Water Usage Reports will be monitored and provided to customer to determine program effectiveness.

To learn more about how we may be able to help save you money on your irrigation water costs contact us online or call us today at 323.770.2440.